SEMI Golf Tournament RSVP Form [参赛回函]
SEMI Golf Tournament will feature the unique opportunity of bringing the executives from these industries in a relaxing, fun and networking atmosphere after our SEMICON China show.
“芯球会”SEMICON China高尔夫精英赛(特别鸣谢钻石赞助商) 在一年一度的SEMICON China展后提供一个轻松愉快的交流氛围,让您和业内领袖们进一步增进沟通,切磋技艺,充分感受阳光、技巧、运动带来的健康和乐趣。

Please complete the following information to sign up for the SEMI Golf Tournament before June 20, 2023.
烦请于2023年6月20日前填写以下信息,确认参加“芯球会”SEMICON China高尔夫精英赛(特别鸣谢钻石赞助商)。

场地地址:嘉兴市平湖市九龙山旅游度假区(九龙山将军高尔夫俱乐部 )
比赛日期:2023年7月2日 周日

Game Flow比赛流程:
10:00-11:15 Registration and Set Lunch 签到/简餐
11:15-11:30 Tee-off and Group Photo开球仪式/集体拍照
11:30-17:00 Golf Tournament击球比赛
17:30-20:00 Award Dinner颁奖晚宴

*Required Field 必填项
The qualification is subject to the final discretion of SEMI China. SEMI China有权决定最终参赛资格。
1. Basic Information 基本信息
2. Registration and Payment 登记与付费*
    Fields marked with * must be completed. 附有*的为必填项
RMB 2,100/person人民币2,100/位
* Registration fee includes golf cart, game ball, luncheon and dinner ticket. 登记费用包括球车、比赛用球、午餐及晚餐

For more information please contact 更多详情请联系
Ms. Cissie Xi 奚锦雯 小姐
Tel: +86.21.6027.8528 Fax: +86.21.6027.8511

Ms. Jenny Jiang 姜美遥 小姐
Tel: +86.21.6027.8573 Fax: +86.21.6027.8511